One million voters in Canada are completely disregarded by a judge who was appointed, not elected. How ironic that the Green Party has to appeal to an unelected judge to rule on whether unelected, corporate executives can shape our political landscape. Where is our Prime Minister on this, where is our Governor General? They are the supreme authority in this country. Why are they not making the decision? This is about our very democracy not some random law. The media has been so unbelievably undemocratic in their neglect to consider the voices of ONE MILLION Canadians. I cannot believe that MPs, Senators, past or present are not vehemently demanding democracy, just dismissing one million voices so easily. These are troubling times indeed.
The Green Party has run in virtually every riding in this country for the past three elections. The effort to do so is enormous and cannot happen without well organized leaders and an army of supporters willing to engage. And engage they did. The Green Party is the only party to increase their vote in the last three consecutive elections. They took the time (and funding) between elections and developed policy that has made an enormous impact on all the party’s platforms. While the Cons, Liberals and NDP spend their money on negative ads, the Green Party spent theirs on research. All that research has paid off. Have a look at just a few policies the Greens have called for in the past (and in current platforms) and have consequently been adopted by the other parties.
Carbon Tax – the Liberals lost an election over this one. Harper was able to convince us a carbon tax would ruin our economy. After he was elected, we find out Harper has been discussing the HST (carbon tax) with Ontario and B.C. increasing taxation higher than what was proposed by the Greens and Liberals – Thanks for the stellar work on this one media! Everyone is well informed now…not!
Income Splitting – The Greens have been calling for income splitting for at least the previous three elections. The Conservatives have jumped on the band wagon this time around but their War Jets come first, then if we can afford it, maybe we will have it by the year 2015 ... maybe ... they hope.
Ending Subsidies to the Oil and Gas Companies – The Greens have been calling for our government to divert subsidies from the rich and dirty oil and gas industry towards renewable technologies. If our then Liberal or Conservative now governments adopted this policy, we would not be so crippled by our dependence on oil every time it spikes in price. Nice to see the NDP has finally agreed to adopt this policy.
Recreation Tax Break – As part of the Green Party policy on health promotion and sickness prevention, making fitness club membership, league dues and even bicycles a tax deductible expense is imperative. This will increase the quality of life for millions of Canadians perhaps save millions more in health care costs. Harper, thanks for recognizing this good policy.
Think again when you hear someone in the media or a candidate or elected official say – the Green Party is a fringe party or you are wasting your vote. Green Party members are amongst the most politically engaged portion of voters in this country. They vote and support the Green Party of Canada (GPC) because they understand the positions the Green Party takes as being the absolute best alternative for the well being of ALL Canadians. The GPC is part of an ideology that spread around the world gaining representation in many jurisdictions. Canada will have a Green Party MP too. Not allowing Greens to speak in nationally televised debates will make this eventuality more difficult but Greens are used to being ignored and will inevitably enjoy the successes as they have in so many other countries.
Take a look at what broadcast consortium chairman Troy Reebs answer is to this question.How do you decide to keep Elizabeth May out?
"It is an editorial decision. The process for coming to a decision on format and participation is no different from what happens around the newsroom table of a newspaper. There’s always a vigorous discussion, oftentimes a really good argument. There was a really vigorous discussion this time as well, but on the Green Party question we very quickly came to unanimity."
Please read the whole question/answer article. This will blow you away just how flagrant our democracy is taken by people in the media. Who gave them the right to decide this! What a joke.
The Green Party of Canada has asked to have this process review but Harper and Martin chose to side with this unelected, secretive consortium instead. This was a press release from 2005...
The Green Party of Canada has asked to have this process review but Harper and Martin chose to side with this unelected, secretive consortium instead. This was a press release from 2005...
Green Party calls on Elections Canada to organize debate
Harris noted that the consortium meets behind closed doors and arbitrarily changes its criteria for inclusion at will between elections and even during elections.
On April 5th I emailed the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada. Here is the email and the pathetic response.
Hello Sir,
It brings me great displeasure to write you about something I believe is tearing our democracy from whom it is to serve. How is it that media corporate executives hold the power of shaping our country as they see fit. When asked how they came to the conclusion that Elizabeth May and the one million Canadians she represents will not have a seat at the nationally televised debate, here is what he said..."It is an editorial decision". (Reference below) Is this what our democracy has come to, an "editorial decision". Our country needs your help right now. I am pleading with you to please intervene.
and the response...
On behalf of His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, I am replying to your email.
Thank you for writing and sharing your views with the governor general.
Please accept my best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Geneviève Lalonde - INFO
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive / 1, promenade Sussex
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A1
On April 5th I emailed the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada. Here is the email and the pathetic response.
Hello Sir,
It brings me great displeasure to write you about something I believe is tearing our democracy from whom it is to serve. How is it that media corporate executives hold the power of shaping our country as they see fit. When asked how they came to the conclusion that Elizabeth May and the one million Canadians she represents will not have a seat at the nationally televised debate, here is what he said..."It is an editorial decision". (Reference below) Is this what our democracy has come to, an "editorial decision". Our country needs your help right now. I am pleading with you to please intervene.
and the response...
On behalf of His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, I am replying to your email.
Thank you for writing and sharing your views with the governor general.
Please accept my best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Geneviève Lalonde - INFO
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive / 1, promenade Sussex
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A1
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