Harpers $30Billion Jets = 2.5% GST Increase This Year and 1.7% Every Year Thereafter
Yes, this is what that it will cost Canadians to acquire and maintain this jet purchase. This purchase is almost what Harper spent on the entire Stimulus Package to help us through the recession. It baffles me to think a “conservative” would find it acceptable to stifle Canadians with such an enormous expense, while running such high deficits, with unemployment at 8% and with the economic outlook uncertain at best.
Canada is sitting on an $85Billion deficit over the next 5 years, which means Harper will spend $85B more then he expects will come in. It seems to me, we could cut that 5 year deficit by $30B by delaying the jet purchase or eliminating it all together. This expense is not a onetime expense either. It will continue to cost taxpaying Canadians every year we have them. This Harper purchase should realistically be all this election is about. There is no other party making promises close to a $30B deal. In fact, if you add all parties’ election promises together, they would likely not add up to $30B.
In the 2008 Election the Harper government had NO platform yet, one year later they announce this $30B purchase. This massive “investment” should have been divulged to Canadians during an election where voters can decide whether they want jets or to double the stimulus package or have national child care, tax breaks with a few billion left over for seniors, towards mental health and clean drinking water. To everyone reading this, please ask yourself what your priorities would be as PM. I’m confident war jets won’t be on your list. Why is it on Harper’s?
Here is what $30Billion could buy
· 1% GST = $4B
· National Child Care = $5B
· The Kalona Accord = $4.7B
· The government of Haiti’s entire National Budget = $1.8B
· 52km of LRT (Light Rail Transit) = $8.2B
· 1.5 million solar hot water tanks…installed = $5B
· 1300km of high speed rail lines = $43B
· 420,000 families rent for one year = $5B
· 1 million students tuition for one year = $5B
· A laptop for every public elementary and secondary student in Canada = $2B
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